Updates from Dec. 12, 2014 to Dec. 15, 2016.


Posted December 15, 2016

First images of concept design released

Below you can view the first few concept designs of the building. The completion of the design work will be the next significant step toward the realization of our beautiful community centre!

community centre outdoor rendering

community centre pool rendering

Posted December 7, 2016

Funding for pool is approved… again

Funding for the aquatic centre to be included in the new community centre in Churchill Meadows was temporarily put in jeopardy during city budget deliberations this week, despite budget approval by City Council 14 months ago. Staff was directed by Mayor Bonnie Crombie and Councillor Carolyn Parrish (Ward 5) to prepare a report examining options on financing for the pool and a review of the need for this pool in the northwest part of our city. The report was debated at Budget Committee on December 7 and the original funding was approved unanimously.

I want to say “thank you” to all the Ward 10 residents that took action in support of our proposed pool at Churchill Meadows Community Centre. I heard from about 70 of you who told me you sent e-mails to the Mayor in the past 24 hours with your requests (some with thoughtful and compelling arguments) to keep the pool in the design of the centre. There were likely many more of you who sent your views directly to the mayor without copying me. Wow – what a response! A special thank you to the 30 or so residents, including members of the Churchill Meadows Residents Association, who were able to attend the Budget Committee meeting in person on such short notice! Thanks also to MIRANET who, during their budget presentation, expressed strong support for the pool as well. I appreciated the positive sentiments that many of my colleagues shared during the meeting.

We did it — again! I’m so grateful for your support; let’s continue to build our community together!

Posted November 28, 2016

Community Centre will be spectacular

The architects of the new Community Centre in Churchill Meadows presented their preliminary design of the building to me in November. This state-of-the-art building will not only look amazing, but the attention to detail in its interior and exterior design will make it functionally remarkable as well. As an example, due consideration is being given to getting the right material to provide adequate sun screen and ambient light for the glass wall on the west facade, depending on the position of the sun. I hope to provide some pictures in my next eNewsletter to whet our appetites for what’s to come!

To date, $360,000 has been spent on the $51 million landmark project. Most of this expenditure is for design of the building, including the 25-metre pool, therapeutic tank and aquatic-related rooms.
I have asked city staff to provide me with a monthly update as the design and construction phases move ahead. The November update is linked here.

Posted October 2, 2016

Architects working on design of building

Progress continues to be made on the new community centre and sports park coming to Churchill Meadows. The 51-acre parcel of land along the Ninth Line corridor between Tacc Drive and Erin Centre Boulevard will be a wonderful gathering space for the community and a sports destination for many residents across the city.

The architect, MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects, is finalizing design concepts and the plan is to begin detailed design work early in 2017. City staff will continue to work with the consultant team to complete the design, tender the project and to start construction by this time next year. It is anticipated that the building will be completed in 2019.

I am very excited that this new community centre will include a triple gymnasium, aquatic centre and multipurpose community rooms and that the sports and leisure park will boast a huge variety of outdoor park amenities for the public to enjoy for years to come.

Posted March 26, 2016

RFP for architects

City staff have issued a Request For Proposal (RFP) for consultant’s to make submissions related to the design and construction of the community centre building at Park 459. Proposals are currently being reviewed by the evaluation team and the architect award is expected to be issued by the end of this month.  At the same time, I am discussing with staff options regarding the naming of the building.

Posted January 22, 2016

Concept design for Phase 1

Preliminary designs for the park and community centre are currently underway.
Park 459 will be developed in phases.

Phase One
The final phase one program will be confirmed through a detailed design process commencing in 2016.  Uses identified through the public engagement process are being considered, along with the following proposed facilities.

  • Community centre – with pool, gymnasium and meeting space
  • Two lit artificial turf soccer fields, one with a seasonal dome
  • Natural area enhancements
  • Multipurpose trails, measured loop trail
  • Pond and overlook
  • Temporary dog leash free zone
  • Parks Operations space
  • Site servicing, infrastructure and parking

For further detail, see the Park 459 Phase One Concept Plan, available here.

Future Phases
The design and construction of additional amenities at Park 459 will be determined in the future pending available funding. Uses identified through the public engagement process are being considered, along with the following proposed facilities subject to future available funding.

    • One lit multi-purposed sports field
    • One lit cricket pitch
    • Playground
    • Four tennis courts
    • One basketball court
    • One skate park
    • Trails
    • Natural areas

concept design of Phase 1 of the park

Posted September 23, 2015

Funding allocated in budget for pool

At today’s Budget Committee meeting, I am thrilled to share that my Council colleagues approved my motion to include a pool in the 2016 Capital Budget for phase 1 design and construction at Park 459. This is the next step in acquiring funding for the pool at our community centre that was supported by Council in June 2015. Staff now have direction to include the aquatic facility in the plans with the necessary funding.

Posted September 11, 2015

Feedback from Public Engagement

The consultant team that led a host of focus group sessions and facilitated the large Public Information Session on June 10 has compiled the results of all the input received into a 34-page report. This feedback will help inform the design and construction of the amenities – both indoor and outdoor – at the Park 459 Community Centre, Sports Fields and Natural Areas.

Follow this link to the City of Mississauga web site to view the report.

Posted July 8, 2015

Community Centre Pool Back on the Table

At today’s special meeting of Council, I put forward a motion to include a pool in the design and construction of phase 1 of the community centre at Park 459.  It received the unanimous support of my Council colleagues, subject to budget approval.

Indoor PoolBased on feedback from residents through e-mail and individual conversations, as well as at many focus group sessions, and the large public information session held in June, it was clearly evident that an aquatic facility was at the top of the wish list for this centre. And I completely agree… there is a pool connected with every other major community centre in the city and our residents deserve nothing less!

At the same time, I am working with staff to ensure the design of the centre includes a large enough indoor space to meet the high demand of sport and fitness activities as well as accommodating the cultural needs of our community. In addition, I am asking staff to investigate the feasibility of converting the Churchill Meadows Activity Centre into a Seniors Centre to provide a dedicated, accessible space for our senior citizens.

Once again, your voice matters. As your elected representative, it is my honour and privilege to bring your views to City Hall. Thank you for participating in this public process – it does make a difference!

Today’s motion triggered the preparation of a staff report to Budget Committee this fall that will include the financial figures associated with including a pool in the community centre.

Posted June 11, 2015

Hundreds Attend Public Information Session

Thank you to the hundreds of residents that attended and participated in the Public Information Session on June 10 providing important feedback and comments on the proposed Community Centre and Sports and Leisure fields for Park 459.

City staff and consultants will be compiling the results of this and the other focus group sessions to review the community’s priorities and, together, we will engage in the exciting work to design the program and amenities of the centre and park.

The City has established a project web page where residents can find updates and plans develop.

Posted May 15, 2015

Public Information Session – June 10

The City of Mississauga is developing a new sports park and community centre on Ninth Line, north of Erin Centre Boulevard (Park 459). Residents are invited to an Information Session to share ideas and
feedback on the uses and recreational amenities. Please join Ward 10 Councillor Sue McFadden, City staff and the project’s consultant team at the meeting. Together, let’s imagine the possibilities.

Wednesday, June 10, 7 p.m.
Doors open at 6:30 for an Open House format with presentation beginning at 7 o’clock
Stephen Lewis Secondary School, 3675 Thomas Street.
For information, contact Kathi Ross, City of Mississauga, 905-615-3200 x4942

Posted May 4, 2015

Community meeting scheduled

I am pleased to announce the Public Information Centre to gather comments and feedback on the proposed community centre and sports fields at Park 459 has been scheduled. Please join me on
Wednesday, June 10, 7 p.m. at Stephen Lewis Secondary School, 3675 Thomas Street. Bring your ideas and your imagination.

Posted Apr. 9, 2015

Public engagement process moves forward

Public engagement on the new Community Centre and Sports Complex in Ward 10 will begin this spring with a series of focus group sessions to gather input and comments from a variety of perspectives of future users. In addition, all local residents will be able to view and comment on draft plans of the design of the park through an interactive web portal starting sometime in May and at a Public Information Session, likely the second week of June. All dates are tentative pending the finalization of the consultant’s project schedule.

At the same time, I will be joining recreation staff on several site visits of existing facilities in the Greater Toronto Area to see first-hand what other municipalities are doing and to determine what amenities might be most suitable to address our specific needs in order to truly make this centre a welcoming and functional gathering place for our community.

Watch for more updates on this in future eNewsletters and eBlasts. I am excited about moving the project forward to this stage and hearing from you about the facility’s design and program.
The location of this new complex will be on 55 acres of City-owned property in the Ninth Line corridor, along the west side of Ninth Line between Burdette Terrace and Tacc Drive.

Posted Mar. 2, 2015

Park 459 Studies Complete and On-going

Progress continues to be made on plans for the Community Centre and Sports Park at Park 459 in Ward 10 (west side of Ninth Line south of Tacc Drive). The City is moving forward with preliminary design work for the whole Park and an Indoor Recreation Facility including:

  • Program Confirmation;
  • Design Concepts;
  • Final Development Plan (including a Phasing Plan) and Schematic Designs for the Indoor Recreation Facility.

Part of this process will include public input and engagement. This will happen through a variety of tools including, but not limited to, online interactive feedback (projected to begin in May) and community meetings. A public gathering is tentatively being planned for mid-June; please watch my eNewsletter, website, facebook and twitter for confirmation on date and venue.

The following detailed background studies for Park 459 have already been conducted.

  • Functional Servicing Study
  • Hydrological Analysis
  • 2014 Bird Breeding Surveys
  • Environmental Site Assessments (Phase One and Two)
  • Site Geotechnical Investigations
  • Environmental Inventory and Analysis (site specific Natural Heritage Study update)
  • Tree Survey, Inventory, and Arborists Report
  • Archaeological Assessments (Stage 1 and 2)
  • Coordination with the Conservation Authority to confirm Top of Bank / Hazard Limits and current flood plain mapping, including a Hydraulic Assessment
  • Topographic Survey Update
  • Site Analysis and Pre-design Recommendations Report

Also, the north-south hedgerow was removed by Forestry under their Emerald Ash Borer program.

As you can see, a lot of behind-the-scenes work and preparation goes into ensuring the land is suitable for development long before we ever see a construction vehicle on site breaking ground. I look forward to the next phase of this process and getting input and feedback from residents across the Ward about the program and amenities for this beautiful recreational facility.

Posted Dec. 12, 2014

Plan shifts toward a city-run community centre

Market research gathered earlier this year indicates that a city-built and -operated community centre is the preferred approach for the proposed indoor recreation facility in the city’s northwest end.

In April, City Council approved a Letter of Intent to partner with the YMCA of Greater Toronto Area in building a facility on city-owned lands in the Ninth Line corridor north of Eglinton Avenue West. The LOI was a catalyst for both the YMCA and the City to analyse the market with respect to recreational amenities in the area. Key findings indicated strong brand loyalty to the City of Mississauga and limited additional demand for aquatics and fitness amenities given similar facilities nearby.

“These market studies are an integral part of the process,” said Ward 10 Councillor Sue McFadden. “It’s all part of doing our due diligence in finding the right solution for our community. The people have spoken and we needed this input. Now we can move ahead with our own facility.”

While the research did not support the need for additional aquatic or fitness facilities, it did support the city’s master plan (Future Directions) for indoor community space and gymnasium/active spaces. The exact components of this facility are subject to the concept design, community engagement and budget approval.

“Our community services’ plan has called for many years—and continues to call for—sports fields and a recreational building on these lands at Park 459,” she said, indicating this news is by no means a setback. “In fact, we may even get there a little bit sooner now that we’re building it on our own.”

Due to some complicated land covenants established when the land was annexed in 2010, a city-built and -operated facility would face fewer zoning restrictions and could result in quicker development.

“We are anticipating that this matter will come before Council as part of the 2015 budget process,” McFadden said. “It is my intention that a facility and park plan develop in 2015 including feedback from the community, with design in 2016, construction in 2017 and opening in 2018 for the use and enjoyment of our residents.”  

On Dec. 17, Council will be asked to vote on closing the Letter of Intent with the YMCA. The City will look to engage partners in contributing to the capital, programming and services delivered at the facility. The YMCA has been and continues to be a valuable partner and the City is keeping the options open for service coordination at this location.