Last night, I held an informal, resident meeting for the homeowners living on the west side of Black Walnut Trail, many of whom were affected by the recent basement flooding on July 13/14. About 50 residents participated and I want to thank all those who took the time to attend, share their stories and hear from each other about their experiences with flooding in their homes over the years. I was on the verge of tears listening to the many accounts of flooding, property damage and the stress and anxiety that every rainy forecast brings with it. Hearing from you has only strengthened my resolve to work on your behalf toward a permanent solution in a timely manner.

I am planning on holding a broader community meeting for the public in mid September, including all those who may have been flooded in the past and want to know more about what my office, the City, Region and consultants are doing to mitigate future flooding in our neighbourhoods.

Due to vacation schedules, these updates will not be as frequent as they have been in the past two weeks, but please know work is still going on regarding this important issue. I am finding answers to the questions that have been raised at last night’s meeting and I will advise you again as soon as there is something helpful to share.

Kindest regards,