I have been in regular contact this week with staff in our Transportation and Works (works operations) department in advance of what may be a significant rainfall and snowmelt later this week. Temperatures are expected to rise to 8 degrees Celcius on Thursday and the weather forecast also calls for approximately 10 mm of rain over the next three days.  While these aren’t the same rainfall amounts and high temperatures that we experienced in January 2013 when some homes were flooded, we don’t want to have anyone in that situation again and are doing all we can to prevent further flooding. You can help too! Below are some links to pages with tips on how you can protect your property.

Flooding can happen when too much stormwater (rain or melted snow) collects in one place and can’t drain fast enough or go to where it’s supposed to go to drain. The link below provides some tips on what you can do inside and outside of your home in advance of heavy rain or a significant thaw – such as we might get later this week. Read more on the city’s website by clicking here.

City staff are monitoring the weather forecast closely this week and have already placed the contractors on standby for Thursday to pump water out of the Foundation Drain Collector system should the need arise. Staff are attending to the manholes used in our High Water Protocol to ensure they are cleared of snow and accessible in advance of the rainfall.

Emergency Management

Also, snow clearing crews in all yards across the city are on the roads this week to clear catch basins in preparation for the 5 to 11 mm of rain forecasted over the next three days. The City’s Office of Emergency Management offers tips and resources for residents before, during and after a flood or potential flood situation. Read more on the city’s website by clicking here.