Following is my first update since the election period (July 1 to Oct. 22) sent by e-mail to those subscribers on my Flood Update list regarding the ongoing work to mitigate and hopefully eliminate the risk of basement flooding as it relates to our storm water system in the Lisgar District. Despite the lack of updates, work has been proceeding.

At first blush, the update from staff below is disappointing as it reveals yet another delay in the road toward a viable solution to our problem. The design of a one-of-a-kind permanent pump and trench dewatering system is more complicated than first envisioned. I hope you can agree with me that we want to be sure to get this right the first time rather than rush into something that isn’t well-tested and may not perform as intended. It’s also unwise take the chance of constructing this unique infrastructure in the winter season and assume greater risk just to meet a deadline.

The Environmental Study Report review process has been completed and the city and contractor are moving ahead with the proposed site for the system at the parkette along Black Walnut Trail opposite Cactus Gate.

While the detailed design on the system is nearing completion and the submission of permits imminent, the actual construction and operation will now be scheduled for the spring of next year. In the meantime, we continue to have our High Water Protocol in place to protect against future water infiltration. It has now been 16 months since the last reported case of basement flooding along the Sixteen Mile Creek.

To further protect your home, I also want to encourage you to take a serious look at the sump pump subsidy if you haven’t already done so. The city is offering up to $6,000 in subsidy toward the installation of a sump pump in your home (no matching funds required on your part). Certain eligibility requirements apply.

In this, the start of my fourth term as your Councillor, I want to assure you that this issue will continue to be a priority for me as we work toward a permanent resolution. If you have any questions about the update below, please write back or call anytime. Thank you for your ongoing patience and support.

Kindest regards,


Capping of Catch Basin Sub-Drains

As noted in our previous update of April 16th, a total of 470 caps have been installed by February of this year in catch basin sub-drains along and adjacent to Black Walnut Trail, and streets south of Derry Road which back onto Sixteen Mile Creek. Though we have experienced several rainfall events subsequent to the cap installation with no reported incidents of basement water infiltration, we have not yet had an event of such magnitude to allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of the caps.

Trench Dewatering System and FDC Pumping Station – Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study and Detailed Design

Municipal Class EA
As the FDC Pump Station and Trench Dewatering System is considered new municipal infrastructure, the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process must be followed. In accordance with the Class EA process, a Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on June 14th, 2018; notification for the PIC was sent to stakeholders, local residents and agencies by mail. Letters of notice and project summaries were provided to the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nations, Six Nations of the Grand River and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council in accordance with direction provided by The Provincial Crown. Staff is currently reviewing a draft of the Environmental Study Report (ESR). Once finalized, the ESR will be made available for a 30-day public review period. This will take place in September 2018.

Trench Dewatering and FDC Pumping Station – Detailed Design
Substantial time and effort have been dedicated by City staff and Wood (formerly AmecFW) on the design of the combined Trench Dewatering and FDC Pumping Station. Due to requirements of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MOECP) and communication (alerts), operation and maintenance requirements, the design of the combined Trench Dewatering and FDC Pumping Station is being advanced as a more complex system than originally envisioned. This facility is unique and, as such, there are no design standards or guidelines available from which to base the design on, aside from some standards for wastewater pumping stations which may be utilized and/or modified as appropriate. As this station will act as a prototype for additional trench dewatering/FDC pumping stations that will be built in the future, it is critical that an effective and robust system is properly designed and constructed to protect basements of homes from water infiltration while minimizing operational and maintenance efforts. Ron Scheckenberger from Wood has engaged his firm’s wastewater group to lead the technical design of the pumping station, with on-going project management and QA/QC provided by his water resources team. It is expected that the design will be submitted to Conservation Halton and MOECP for permitting in late fall. Given the risks associated with winter construction, especially with a complex system such as this, the preparation of the tender documents will be completed early in the new year with construction anticipated in late spring 2019.

FDC Sump Pump Subsidy Program

Since the revised FDC Sump Pump Subsidy application form went live on January 18th of this year, staff has received and processed 7 applications. Of those, 2 have been new applicants, 4 have been previous applicants who applied for additional reimbursement, and 1 was denied due to ineligibility. Staff has also received and responded to a number of inquiries regarding the program.

High Water Protocol

The High Water Protocol (HWP) has been triggered numerous times so far this year. The following is a brief summary of when the pumps have been activated.

-Jan. 10-12 – One pump at Osprey Blvd. activated for about two hours.

-April 3 – Two pumps actively pumped for four to six hours.

-April 16th – Six pumps activated (two at each location) over a 15.5 hour period (6:00 am to 9:30 pm)

-July 5th – Two pumps activated for about ½ hour

-Aug. 21st – Three pumps activated over a 1.5 hour period