I am pleased to be hosting a workshop-style forum on Public Safety where, in partnership with Peel Regional Police, officers will be presenting and answering your questions on these important topics:

  • Guns & Gangs
  • Property Crime
  • Road Safety
  • Cannabis – Health Concerns and Legislation

Each session will be presented twice so participants can choose two of the above topics to attend. Community partners (Safe City, Crimestoppers, Corporate Security, and more) will be on hand as well to offer resources and answer questions one-on-one. Many thanks to Panago Pizza for their generous donation of pizza at the start of the evening!

Please save the date now and plan to attend this informative gathering:

Wednesday, April 3 – 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Secondary School, 3700 Trelawny Circle


NEW! Find out more about this informative event here, including details about each break-out session.