Signs are being installed on several streets in Ward 10 this summer restricting parking to one side of the street. This is part of an overall project addressing concerns raised by residents and city staff about efficient delivery of municipal services. While most people I have spoken with are in strong support of this effort, I have also received some comments and questions as this part of the project rolls out.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is this being implemented?
I have received dozens and dozens of complaints over the past winter seasons about the quality of snow clearing operations. Upon further investigation, in many of these cases, the snow wasn’t cleared properly or on time because the plow simply could not get down the street due to vehicles parked on both sides of the road. The city has a duty to clean the streets to a safe, passable standard. Plows then need to return to these streets to plow them, causing an unnecessary delay in service and costing additional money. Snow clearing is one of several services that will be more efficient with one side only street parking.
2. Why are some streets getting this and others are not.
The streets that are included in Phases 2 and 3 of this pilot project have been identified by snow plow operators as challenging to clear due to on-street parking as well as residents themselves who live on these streets and complained about cars parking on both sides. After the coming winter season, city staff and I will evaluate the project’s effectiveness and consider which additional streets may be added.
3. How was the side of the street determined?
City staff went street by street to analyze which side of the road allowed for more parking and chose the opposite side to implement the parking prohibition. Generally (though not in every case), the side of the street with the fire hydrants was selected for No Parking.
4. Why was the No Parking implemented year-round instead of seasonally?
City staff and I discussed the option of implementing a seasonal parking restriction to address the snow clearing issues in the winter. However, when considering that firetrucks and ambulances need to respond as quickly and with as little interference as possible to emergency calls, and that these life-and-death calls can happen anytime of the year, we opted in favour of safety and implemented it year-round.
5. Can a new sign post be moved to a different location?
Most No Parking signs are being installed on existing light standards. However, in order to properly enforce the bylaw, No Parking signs must be no more than 50 metres apart. In some locations, this requires the installation of a 4×4 wooden post with the sign. The signs are installed on the city-owned boulevard portion near the curb, typically along the property line between to properties. The locations are strategically selected to minimize the number needed while ensuring proper enforcement.
6. Where are visitors going to park?
Visitors can park on the side of the street that allows parking. The general parking regulations apply – 5 hour maximum, between 6 am and 2 am daily (unless otherwise signed). It may be that your guests have to walk a little further to get to your home. If they have mobility issues, you may want to park your vehicle on the street in order to leave them a space in your driveway.
7. What are the other parking options?
There are two on-street parking exemptions that can be considered. Both apply to the entire street (or section of street in the case of a long street).
i) Lower Driveway Boulevard Parking – allows property owners to legally park their vehicle on the portion of the driveway between the sidewalk and curb.
ii) 15-hour on-street parking – extends the 5 hour on-street maximum to 15 hours. Note that this option does not create more parking spaces on the street, it simply allows people to park in the spaces for a longer period of time.
To find out more about these options – click here.
8. How is on-street parking enforced?
On street parking is typically enforced on a complaint basis. That means a resident contacts the city’s parking department to request enforcment of the Traffic (Parking) Bylaw. Residents have two ways to log a complaint:
i) Call 3-1-1 between 7 am and 7pm or Call the After-Hours Dispatch at 905-615-3000.
ii) Online