Trees of Hope – a Salute to Health Care Workers

Together with our local residents associations, I am pleased to present “Trees of Hope” – a salute to Health Care workers and other front line workers who have gone above and beyond to provide essential care and services during the COVID-19 pandemic....

Neighbourhood speed limits

The Neighbourhood Speed Limit Project was approved by Council on January 22, 2020 as part of the 2020 Budget. This project will reduce speed limits within more than 130 neighbourhoods citywide. In addition, more than 200 neighbourhood school zones will have a reduced...

New Month’s Resolutions

We’ve all heard about New Year’s Resolutions… on January 1st, we commit to make some positive change with a goal of improving our life and/or the lives of those around us. Well, how about making a series of resolutions throughout the year that build over time and are...

Updated High Water Protocol

The City has implemented the Lisgar High Water Protocol (LHWP), whereby weather forecasts, and other relevant information such as High Water Bulletins from local Conservation Authorities, are monitored to identify more formative storms, including thunderstorms. During...