Traffic Signals on Ninth Line

The City of Mississauga will begin intersection improvement and road construction on Ninth Line at Burdette Terrace and Henrietta Way this month. The work will include curb replacement and curb widening, sidewalk replacement, asphalt paving, traffic signals and line...

Mental Health and Well-being Supports

The resources listed on the document linked below are available to provide mental health, stress and anxiety supports. This list is not exhaustive, and availability of some services might change during COVID-19. Mental Health Support in Peel during COVID...

Community Centre Construction

Construction on the new Community Centre along Ninth Line was deemed non-essential under the provincial order related to COVID-19. However, some work has temporarily resumed this week to fully enclose the building and make it secure. This work is expected take about...

Graffiti in Park

Vandals have returned to Ward 10 this spring with another incident of graffiti in one of our parks. The defacing of public property is a serious offense with significant consequences. Police have made arrests related to graffiti in Ward 10 in the past and are...

COVID eNews Blast April 16

The Mississauga Numbers Due to minimal mainstream media in Mississauga, the coronavirus data for our city is not easily accessible. Our office receives a daily report on the number of new cases in the city and region and I have been posting them to my Facebook page...