Tuesday, May 19 to Tuesday, May 26, 2020.

I am inviting feedback from the public on two proposed traffic calming projects in Ward 10.  Please click on the image below that matches the proposal of interest to you: Lisgar Drive or Tacc Drive. Following your review of the information online, you can submit your comments and questions directly to me by e-mail during the commenting window: May 19 to May 26. To ensure your comments are recorded, be sure to include your name and complete residential address. I look forward to hearing from residents who live in the area about this road safety measure in your neighbourhood.  Often times, we only hear from people who are in opposition to a proposal. If you are in favour, it will be equally important to indicate your support by sending me a quick e-mail. Thank you for your participation.

Kind regards,
Sue McFadden

Lisgar Drive Traffic Calming Proposal

Tacc Drive Traffic Calming Proposal