The following roads and stormwater infrastructure and assessment works are planned for 2020 in Ward 10. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, delivery of this construction program may be impacted over the course of the year.
Roadway Rehabilitation
The Roadway Rehabilitation program is focussed on the renewal of the pavement, curb and sidewalk infrastructure within the roadway. Pavement renewal can range from resurfacing to full reconstruction of the roadway pavement structure. The curbs and sidewalks may also be replaced as part of the rehabilitation project if warranted by their condition. These projects are prioritized based on city-wide needs and are coordinated with other City projects, the Region of Peel, utility companies and development pressures to the extent possible and practical. The approved 2020 city-wide budget for roadway rehabilitation is $38.5 million. Including the streets carried over from 2019, this year’s construction program includes 56 km of road surface, affecting 119 streets. These streets are planned for rehabilitation in Ward 10 this year:
Allcroft Road
Beacham Street
Chilcot Court
Dillingwood Drive
Gracefield Drive
Guardian Court
Lisgar Drive (from Doug Leavens Boulevard to Derry Road West)
Major Roads Improvements
Projects in the Major Roads program include new roads, road widenings, multi-modal integrations, grade separations from railway corridors, and other improvements to the major roads network. Typically, a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study is completed for each project prior to proceeding to construction. There is one EA project planned for Ward 10 this year:
Ninth Line (from south of Eglinton Ave to Derry Road)
The Ninth Line EA will review and assess all modes of transportation to support improvements to the existing and future transportation demands along this corridor.
Cycling Infrastructure
Mississauga’s Cycling Master Plan has identified the needs, locations and priorities for cycling infrastructure improvements in the City. Examples include bike lanes and multi-use trails within the road right-of-way. One cycling infrastructure project is planned for Ward 10 this year:
Derry Road (south side from Lisgar Meadowbrook Trail to Lake Aquitaine Trail)
Sidewalk Improvements
Projects in the Sidewalk program focus on filling in gaps to improve sidewalk connections for pedestrians. One new sidewalk is planned in Ward 10 this year:
Tenth Line (east side from Meadowcrest Ave to 90 m south of Thomas St.)
Stormwater Management Facilities & Improvements
Projects in this program include the design and implementation of new Stormwater Management (SWM) facilities and retrofit of existing facilities for additional flood relief and water quality. Typical improvements include dredging and rehabilitation works to maintain infrastructure as well as water quality and quantity function. There are two stormwater management facility projects planned for Ward 10 this year:
Stormwater Pond dredging & rehab – southwest corner of Winston Churchill Blvd and Tacc Drive
Lisgar Utility Trench Dewatering and FDC Pumping Station – construction at Cactus Gate parkette
Stormwater Studies
This includes the completion of flood evaluation studies, erosion control studies, master drainage plans and other planning studies. Planning and asset management studies allow staff to prioritize capital projects and improve the organization and management of stormwater infrastructure assets. Flood evaluation studies aid in the identification of infrastructure needs and the recommendation of future capital projects. There is one stormwater study planned in Ward 10 this year.
Lisgar District Foundation Drain Collector Pumping System – Study (environmental assessment)
To see the 2020 Construction Map, visit the City of Mississauga’s current construction page online.