Earlier this year, I was pleased to share with Ward 10 residents that a number of minor collector roadways in Lisgar were due for reconstruction under the capital road rehabilitation program. Now that the work is underway, I’ve heard from a few residents why this money is being spent in a time when the coronavirus pandemic is stretching the City’s finances. I asked the appropriate staff in Transportation & Works to provide an explanation as to how this capital program works, including the detailed review that takes place years ahead as well as the provincially-regulated maintenance standards that our city must adhere to.
Every four years, staff hires a consultant to conduct a roadway pavement condition survey for every City-maintained road in Mississauga. The data collected from this survey is analysed to assess the current condition of the road pavement, predict how fast the pavement is deteriorating, and forecast how much funding the City will need over a 10 to 20 year period to maintain an acceptable average pavement condition across Mississauga. This is just one part of the City’s planning and decision making process. In order to finalize the Roadway Rehabilitation Capital Program, staff will also seek input from those responsible for managing other infrastructure and utilities within the roadway, including the Region of Peel, Alectra, Enbridge Gas, Bell, and Rogers to address any potential scheduling conflicts. Once the schedule is finalized, staff will request the needed funding through the City’s annual Business Plan and Budget process.
Once funding has been approved by Council, staff undertakes a detailed review of each street in the Capital Plan to determine the extent of pavement, curbs, and sidewalk to be removed and replaced as part of the roadway rehabilitation contract. If the curbs are broken or uneven with settlement then staff will include their replacement along with road pavement. The same approach is used for sidewalks. If they are broken or uneven and pose a risk to pedestrians, then they will be replaced as part of the road rehabilitation contract as well. The repair standards for road and sidewalk discontinuities are specified in Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways, O. Reg. 239/02.