We’ve all heard about New Year’s Resolutions… on January 1st, we commit to make some positive change with a goal of improving our life and/or the lives of those around us. Well, how about making a series of resolutions throughout the year that build over time and are focused on keeping yourself, your loved ones and your community safer?

Introducing the New Month’s Resolution for Road Safety. If each of us commits to a small, simple action every month, imagine how much safer we’d all be! Try it with me.


I resolve to leave from my origin 3 minutes earlier than usual.  This way I won’t feel the pressure to speed or drive aggressively to reach my des­tination on time. If I arrive early, no problem, I can check my phone, listen to music or just enjoy the stress-free peace that comes with not rushing.



I resolve to show unexpected kindness to other road users. I’ll start in these four ways:

  • slowing to let in merging traffic in front of me;
  • ignoring aggressive drivers who may have cut me off or performed a dangerous or illegal manoeuvre;
  • allowing pedestrians to fully cross the road before proceeding;
  • offering a polite wave to others who show kindness to me.



During COVID lockdown, I resolve to only venture out of my home for absolutely es­sential trips. Practising physical distancing is impor­tant to slow the spread of COVID-19. I’ll do my part in keeping more than just the roads safe by only getting groceries and medicine once per week.



I resolve to make sure everyone in my home who uses a bicycle has the proper equipment when riding. Wearing a helmet is the law for youths and children, but it makes good sense for adults too and shows a good example. Also required for safety is having a working bell and lights (if riding at dusk or night). Many stores are closed due to COVID, but you can order these online so you’re ready to ride safely.



I resolve to look up, pay attention and ignore my phone at intersections, crosswalks and all other areas where cars and people share roads, parking lots, etc.



I resolve to not drive high or drunk – nor drive with any alcohol or drugs in my system at all. And I will speak out when others are about to get behind the wheel after drinking or smoking.



I resolve to reduce my speed well below the posted limit of 40 kph in school zones, to never make a U-turn in school zones, to park only in permitted areas, to use the Kiss and Ride on school property if possible, and to never drop off or pick up children in a live lane of traffic.



I resolve to put all my attention on the road while driving, including ignoring text messages and refraining from eating food and personal grooming.



I resolve to make myself as visible as possible and make my intentions as predictable as possible. This means wearing reflective clothing while walking, and using indicators and double-checking mirrors when driving.



I am joining Peel Regional Police’s road safety campaign and “Taking the Pledge”: I promise to reduce my driving speed for a safer community. I challenge others to also take the pledge. https://www.peelpolice.ca/en/safety-tips/road-safety.aspx