Together with Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services, I am pleased to host a virtual townhall on Fire Safety. There have been far too many tragic incidents in our region recently involving fatalities due to residential fires. Fire prevention is key to saving lives. I urge you to take 90 minutes to join me and your neighbours in learning about fire prevention and what to do in case of fire. Topics include: fire escape plans, use and care of smoke alarms, appropriate use of appliances (including BBQs), responsibilities of landlords and tenants in secondary suites, and much more.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 – 7 pm.
The townhall will be held online using the WebEx platform.
Please register in advance, no later than Monday, April 25, by sending an e-mail to  A link to join the session will be sent out to you on Tuesday the 26th.

BONUS: You could WIN one of three combination smoke and CO2 alarms just for attending (value $60 each).