The City of Mississauga, in partnership with the Region of Peel, is evaluating the appropriateness of converting three employment sites to allow for sensitive uses. One of these sites is the commercial property that includes the Walmart on Argentia Road near Ward 10. There has been some confusion about the process and I asked staff to clarify where we are in this review.
Right now, the owners of the land, SmartCentres have not submitted a development application to the City for the land at the corner of Argentia Road and Winston Churchill Boulevard. They have asked that the site be taken out of the Region’s Employment Area – which could open the door to redevelopment in the future with residential uses. In response, Regional Council asked staff to work with the City to undertake a study of the site and report back by December of this year with the results of the review.
At our first community meeting on April 4th, staff gave an overview of the Employment Site Review for Site 1. At the meeting, staff shared that the review will look at the current mix of services and amenities on the site, how important they are to the community around them, and how they could be integrated into future redevelopment.
The results of this Review will help Regional Council decide whether or not to remove the land from the Region’s Employment Area. If that happens, people will have more opportunities to give feedback, and participate in a detail planning process to determine the approach to uses and development for the site. Public involvement is a key part of the review now and into the future, and we encourage you to take part in this process.
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