On Tuesday morning, Feb. 18, on behalf of Councillor McFadden, I met with Transportation & Works (T&W) Commissioner Geoff Wright, Director Helen Noehammer and the City Solicitor Andra Maxwell to discuss several questions posed by residents and our office related to the most recent flooding event in Lisgar in mid-January. At our first opportunity, I plan to review the notes with Councillor McFadden to discuss next steps; in the meantime I am providing you and the other residents on the Councillor’s Flood Update list with the salient highlights of this week’s meeting.

In late January, with input from Councillor McFadden, I put together several talking points for staff’s consideration and to get answers and advice back for our consideration.

Advance the Timeline for Pump Construction

Currently, the first Foundation Drain Collector Pumping Station is being built at the Cactus Gate parkette along Black Walnut Trail in the north end of Lisgar. It, along with the Trench Dewatering System, is expected to be completed by July 2020. There are three more pumps on the City’s capital plan to be constructed, as long as suitable locations can be found for each, and the timeline is being compressed so they are all built as soon as possible. An Environmental Assessment is scheduled this Fall to identify preferred locations for all three pumps. Design and construction will follow in the subsequent years:
Pump 2 – Design 2021, Constructed 2022
Pump 3 – Design 2022, Constructed 2023
Pump 4 – Design 2023, Constructed 2024

For technical reasons, this is as aggressive a schedule as staff can handle, and much better than the original 10-year forecast.

Revise High Water Protocol

Transportation & Works staff are already reviewing the existing protocol to determine what enhancements will be most effective in mitigating future flooding. Our office is recommending more and better capacity pumps deployed with each truck, additional staff when certain weather forecast criteria are met, and a fourth site in the Alderwood Trail area. Staff anticipate that the review will be complete in six to eight weeks and the new changes to the protocol will be formalized. In the meantime, steps have already been taken to enhance the existing protocol by adding pumps to the trucks.

Investigate High Water Protocol Contractor

Following resident reports that the operator of the pumps at one of the sites fell asleep and allowed the pump to run out of gas, the City has initiated an investigation with its contractor “Rockland Contracting Ltd.” who performs this service on their behalf. This investigation is expected to conclude the first week of March and I will meet with staff again shortly thereafter to be briefed on their findings and what action, if any, has been or will be taken. I will provide to you a separate update on just this matter in due course.

Review the Consultant Contract

The same consultant – Wood – has been working on this file as the City’s contractor for the last 9 years. Our office feels a fresh perspective might offer new insight and expertise and is suggesting that T&W issue a tender to the public with competing bids for any new work. They agreed, yet cautioned that Wood may still be the successful bidder, in which case a peer review is a viable add-on to ensure the City is getting the best service and advice from this contractor.

Additional Questions

Staff addressed the following questions that we posed on behalf of those who shared these concerns at our January 22 gathering of directly-affected residents:

Why was I not provided better information when calling 311?

The Customer Service Reps (CRSs) at 311 use what’s called a “Knowledge Base” (KB) from which to draw information and to know where to forward a caller. The KB directs the CSR to forward calls about water infiltration in homes to the Region of Peel. Our office is recommending an update to this part of the KB where CSRs can ask additional questions to determine if the water/flood issue is more likely one handled by the Region or the City.

Can we have an engineer or someone from the City visit our home to assess the quality of the foundation and make any recommendations based on their expertise?

The short answer is no. There are industry professionals who can be retained to give expert advice on grading, water proofing, etc.

When can we meet again?

Please mark down the following details about a formal Community Update Meeting this has been scheduled:

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
7 pm to 8:45 pm (Doors open at 6:40)
Churchill Meadows Activity Centre & Library – Room A/B
3801 Thomas Street

City staff and their consultant will provide an update and presentation on the ongoing work related to the Council-approved Action Plan as well as any findings related to the most recent flooding event on January 11. This will be followed by a Q&A session. Councillor McFadden will give brief opening remarks promptly at 7 pm. Mayor Bonnie Crombie, MP Gagan Sikand and MPP Nina Tangri have also been invited to attend.

David Raakman
Executive Assistant to
Councillor Sue McFadden
Mississauga Ward 10