The pedestrian crossovers along Churchill Meadows Boulevard (at Diviner’s Way Trail – top photo) and Osprey Boulevard (at Lisgar Meadowbrook Trail – bottom photo) are now fully installed and activated. This is a good time to remind users how to properly navigate these safety devices.
A pedestrian crossover is a type of crossing where drivers must come to a full stop to allow pedestrians to cross roads safely. Crossovers are different from crosswalks, which are usually located at intersections with stop signs or traffic signals. Pedestrian crossovers are located on streets between intersections, at roundabouts, or at right-hand turn lanes with specific signs and pavement markings.
If you’re a pedestrian or a cyclist crossing the road:
- If the crossover has lights, push the button to activate the lights so drivers know you want to cross
- Make eye contact with drivers so they see you before you cross
- Make sure all vehicles have stopped before you cross
- Walk your bike across the road
If you’re a driver or cyclist approaching a crossover:
- Slow down and look for pedestrians
- Stop at the painted white triangles
- Wait for all pedestrians to cross the road completely
- Don’t pass other stopped vehicles
- Note that you must stop if pedestrians/cyclists are waiting to cross, regardless if the lights have been activated
Drivers must come to a full stop at crossovers to allow pedestrians to cross safely. If you do not stop completely for pedestrians at a crossover, you can be fined up to $1000 and issued four demerit points on your driver’s licence.
To read more: visit the City of MIssissauga’s web page here, or the Province of Ontario web page here.
The City of Hamilton has produced a helpful video on how drivers and pedestrians must properly use pedestrian crossovers.
Take care, slow down and please be safe on our roads. There’s always someone expecting their loved ones to come home.