by Sue McFadden | Jul 6, 2016 | Shaping Ninth Line
More than 200 residents attended the Shaping Ninth Line public engagement sessions in early June. There were two sessions, the first at the Garry Morden Fire Training Centre and the second at Stephen Lewis Secondary School. Both meetings were similar in format,...
by Sue McFadden | May 26, 2016 | Shaping Ninth Line
Regional Councillors were updated on the Regional planning process related to the Ninth Line lands and the timing of the Official Plan Amendment to incorporate these lands into the region’s urban boundary. Read the report here
by Sue McFadden | May 1, 2016 | Shaping Ninth Line
Together with the City’s Planning division, I am hosting two public engagement workshops to review and receive feedback on land use planning for the Ninth Line lands, the corridor between Ninth Line and Hwy. 407. The sessions – one in the north and one in...
by Sue McFadden | Dec 9, 2014 | Shaping Ninth Line
At the November 24 Council meeting, my Council colleagues and I approved a report that enables a review of the transitway alignment in the Ninth Line corridor to take place within the first half of 2015. The Transitway has a significant impact on the type and scale of...